South Cheshire

Four Priests Brewery Tap

2 Finneys Lane
CW10 9DR
Telephone07921 804508
Real AleFamily FriendlyGardenDisabled AccessParkingDog Friendly
Regular beers: Four Priests Get Locky, Four Priests Moston Dragon, Four Priests Murgy Straight

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Brewery tap for the Four Priests Brewery. Usually open Fri-Sun on the first weekend of the month and each weekend during August. The tap is also open for some events including the town's annual music festival - contact the brewery for further details of opening days and times. Drinkers can sit inside the brewery itself or outside. The brewery's core beers are available through a combination of cask (at least three) and keg dispense. Seasonal beers, depending on the brewing schedule, and guest beers from other local breweries also sometimes feature. A draught hell lager from Tegernseer near Munich is usually for sale alongside a fruit cider, wines and soft drinks.